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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oracle Apps AR Overview

Enter Invoices

Use this form to enter invoices and debit memos one at a time, or as a group called a batch. Oracle Receivables lets you use batch control totals to ensure that you enter invoices accurately. When
you enter an invoice, Oracle Receivables uses your AutoAccounting rules to determine your default general ledger accounts. Oracle Receivables now lets you assign invoicing and accounting rules to invoices you enter through this form. Use Revenue Recognition Program to control when your accounting distributions are created.You can also use this form to review and update information for your invoice. After your invoice has posted to your general ledger you can still update most information. Oracle Receivables maintains a complete audit trail of all the posted changes you make to your accounting entries. Oracle Receivables does not maintain an audit trail when you change an invoice that has not been posted.

- Source, Name, Batch Date, GL Date, Period,
- Status (New,Open,Closed, Out of Balance), Currency, Comments
- Number, Invoice Date, Complete,
- Ship To Customer - Name, Number, Address, Contact,
- Bill To Customer - Name, Number, Address, Contact,
- Commitment (Gaurantee,Deposit), Agreement, Invoice Source,
- Invoice Type, Document No, Transaction Cross Reference To,
- Payment Terms, Due Date, GL Date, Salesperson, Remit To, Currency
- Payment Method (Check,Wire,Direct Deposit),
- Customer Bank - Name, Branch, Account
- Invoice - Default Tax (Standard,Exempt,Require), Print Option, Status,
PO Number, PO Revision, PO Date, Invoicing Rule (Advance,Arrears),
- Frieght - Amount, Carrier, Ship Date, Waybill No, FOB Point, Account,
- Sales - Sold To, Sold To No, Territory,
- Receivable Account, Special Instructions, Comments

Default Sales Credits (RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_SALESREPS)
- Sales Rep Name, Number, Revenue %, Other %

- Line Number, Item Code, Description, Line Trans Flexfield (AutoInv)
- Quantity, UOM, Tax(Std,Exempt,Req), Unit Price, Extended Price
- Addl Line Info - Order Number, Date, Revision, Line, Sales Order Source,
Invoicing Rule, Accounting Rule
- Tax - Line Number, Tax Code, Tax Rate, Tax Amount,

Revenue Account Assignment (Lines) (RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST)
- Percent, Amount, Account Code, GL Date
- Account Assignment (Tax) - Percent, Amount, Account Code, GL Date

- Sales Rep Name, Number, Revenue %, Revenue Amount

Invoice Installments (AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES)
- Line, Due Days, Due Date, Original Amount , Balance Amount, Status

Maintain Invoices

Use this form to update your invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks. You can change the due date, PO number, salesperson, and remit-to address of a debit item. You can also place a debit item in dispute by specifying a dispute amount, exclude a debit item from finance charges, or update the bill-to information. Oracle Receivables also lets you enter or update the exchange rate of your debit item as long as your debit item does not have any activity against it.You can also use this form to record additional information in the form of notes about your debit items. The profile option for this form that controls whether you can change invoice due dates is Invoice Due Date. If your system administrator sets this option to No, you cannot update an invoice due date in the Installment zone.

Enter Recurring Invoices

Use this form to create automatically recurring invoices for your customers. For example, you need to bill your customers for services or products provided regularly, but you don't want to create a new invoice every time. Oracle Receivables provides the recurring invoices with the same characteristics as the original invoice, except that all dates such as the invoice date, GL date,and due dates are determined using the recurring rule you specify. You can schedule recurring invoices as often as you like and create recurring invoices from closed invoices.When you create recurring invoices Oracle Receivables does not derive the exchange rates and tax rates from the recurred invoice date. Instead, it copies the exchange rate and tax rate from your model invoice. Consequently, if you are creating recurring invoices in a foreign currency, or have tax rates which change over time, you may need to update the exchange and tax rate manually.You can use the Invoice Entry form to update the rates to the
correct rates for your recurred invoice date.
- Source Batch, Source Invoice Number, Customer, GL Date, Invoice Type,
- Invoice Date, Terms, Due Date
Recurring Schedule
- Rule (Monthly,Daily,Yearly ...), First Invoice Date, First GL Date,
- Number of Days, Number of Times
Recurring Invoices
- Invoice Number, Invoice Date, GL Date, Due Date, Amount

Enter Commitments

Use this form to enter or change your customer commitments. You can define commitments for any customer, to record deposits or guarantees of future purchases. Oracle Receivables also lets you
update certain information depending on the commitment status.
Commitment (RA_CUSTOMER_TRX)
- Batch Source, Commitment Number, Date, Bill To, Address, Contact,
- Remit To, Commitment Type(Deposit, Guarantee), Document No, GL Date,
- Agreement, Cross Reference To Transaction, Terms, Primary Salesperson,
- Print, Start Date, End Date, Invoice Text, Currency, Amount, Item,
- Debit Account Code, Credit Account Code
- Commitment Addl Info - Payment Method, Customer Bank Name,
Customer Bank Branch, Customer Bank Account, Special Instructions,
Purchase Order, Purchase Order Revision, Purchase Order Date,
Sales Territory, Line Transaction Flexfield (Unique Line # for Auto Invoice)

- Sales Person, Number, Revenue Credit %, Revenue Credit Amount

Quick Transaction Entry

Use this form to enter simple one-line invoices, debit memos and on-account credits. If you want to review, update, or delete invoices and debit memos use the Enter Invoices form. If you want to review, update, or delete on-account credits use the Enter Credit memo form.
- Source, Name, Batch Date, GL Date, Period,
- Status (New,Open,Closed, Out of Balance), Currency, Comments
- Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Customer Number, Source Batch, Invoice Type,
- Currency, Item Code, Description, Quantity, UOM, Unit Price, Extended Amount,
- Ship To Location, Bill To Location, Terms, Freight Amount, Tax Code, Tax Rate,
- Tax Amount, Sales Person, GL Date

Enter Credit Memos

Use this form to enter, update, and review on-account credits or credit memos against specific invoices, debit memos, or commitments. Oracle Receivables creates the appropriate accounting entries and reverses any sales credits you assigned to your salespeople. Oracle Receivables allows you to apply on-account credits to your customers open debit items in the Enter Receipts and Reapply Credits forms. To speed data entry, you can define credit memo lines in the Define Memo Lines form. These credit memo lines display as QuickPick choices in this form. You can also enter credit memo lines directly in the Credit Memo Lines zone of this form. You print your credit memos in the Print Invoices form.
You can specify the debit item to credit in this form, or create an on-account credit by not specifying one. On-account credits are credits that you assign to your customer's account that are not related to a specific invoice. You can assign on-account credits to debit items in the Reapply Credit form or when you enter receipts.
- Source, Name, Batch Date, GL Date, Period,
- Status (New,Open,Closed, Out of Balance), Currency, Comments

Invoices (Query) (RA_CUSTOMER_TRX)
- Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Customer Number, Customer Name,
- Source Batch, Commitment Number, Currency

- Source, Number, Complete, Credit Memo Date, Credit Memo Type,
- Transaction, Reason, Document No, GL Date, Currency,
- Line/Tax: Amount, Percent, Freight,
- Credit Method For: Invoices With Rules, Split Term Invoices,
- Salesperson, Customer Reference, Print Option, Print Date, Comments,
- Ship To Customer, Number, Address, Contact,
- Bill To Customer, Number, Address, Contact,
- Payment Method, Customer Bank Name, Branch, Account,
- Receivable Account Code, Freight Account Code

- Line Number, Item Code, Description, Amount, Quantity, Unit Price,
- Reference, Credit Reason, Line Transaction Flexfield

Revenue Account Assignment (Lines) (RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST)
- Percent, Amount, Account Code, GL Date

- Sales Rep Name, Number, Revenue %, Revenue Amount

Reapply Credits

Use this form to apply, reapply, or unapply on-account credits.Oracle Receivables lets you create on-account credits in the Enter Credit Memos and Quick Transactions forms and then apply them here.
Correcting your mistake is easy since you can reapply or unapply applications before or after posting them to your general ledger. Oracle Receivables gives you the information you need to update any unresolved on-account credits you may have.You can only apply items and receipts to commitments or transactions against a commitment which bring its balance closer to zero.

Enter Invoice Adjustments

Use this form to make either positive or negative adjustments to your invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, on-account credits, deposits, and guarantees. Oracle Receivables currently does not permit adjustments to credit memos. Creating adjustments in Oracle Receivables is easy since you can use predefined adjustment activities. Oracle Receivables automatically provides the accounting information for you. Define your adjustment activities in the Define Receivables Activity form.Oracle Receivables automatically verifies that your adjustment is within your adjustment approval limits. Define adjustment approval limits for your users in the Define Adjustment Limits form. If the amount of the adjustment that you are entering is within your assigned adjustment approval limits, then Oracle Receivables automatically creates the adjustment. If the amount of the adjustment that you are entering is outside your adjustment approval limit range, then Oracle Receivables creates a pending adjustment with a status of Waiting Approval in the Approve Adjustments form. Pending adjustments require approval from a user with the appropriate approval limit before they affect the remaining balance of the transaction. If you need to gather more information about your item, you can place your adjustment on hold by assigning it a status of More Research.

Invoice (Query Invoice To Be Adjusted)
- Invoice Number, Customer Number, Customer Name

Adjustments (AR_ADJUSTMENTS)
- Activity Name (OverCharge, WriteOff),
- Adjustment Type (Charge,Invoice,Line,Freight,Tax), Amount,
- GL Date, Adjustment Date, Accounting Code, Adj Reason,
- Comment, Status (Approved,Pending Approval, Research Required)

Sales Credit Adjustment

With this form you can change revenue and non-revenue sales credits for your invoices, credit memos, and debit memos. If AutoAccounting is based on salesperson and you have not made changes to the revenue accounts in the Enter Invoices form, Oracle Receivables automatically updates your revenue accounts when you change sales credit information in this form. When you change the sales credits for a line, Oracle Receivables creates a record that reverses the original accounting when you save. For example, you have an invoice for which Salesperson A is assigned to 100% of the sales revenue. Now you decide to give Salesperson B 25% of the sales revenue. You must first change the revenue percent of Salesperson A to 75% and then enter a new line for Salesperson B. Oracle Receivables creates a record for Salesperson A that reverses the sales credit for 25%.
Invoice (Query Invoice To Be Adjusted)
- Invoice Number, Source Batch, Customer Name, Currency, Date,
- GL Date, Status
- Line Number, Sales Rep Name, Revenue %, Revenue Amount

Enter Exchange Rate Adjustments

Use this form to adjust the rate type, rate date, and exchange rate
for a foreign currency receipt.

Approve Adjustments

Use this form to approve, hold, reject or request more information about pending adjustments. Oracle Receivables automatically enforces the adjustment limits that you define in the Define Adjustment Limits form as you enter your adjustments. You can approve adjustments that are within your individual approval limits. You can create all other actions even if an adjustment is outside your user approval limits. You can also review adjustment histories and record your comments. Adjustment records that require approval do not affect the balance or status of the transaction you are adjusting. When you approve adjustments in this form, Oracle Receivables automatically updates the balance of the transaction you are adjusting. You can only approve a transaction that has been selected and approved for automatic receipt generation, if the user profile option AR: Invoices with Unconfirmed Receipts is set to Adjustment or Adjustment and Credit.
- Creator, Last Reviewer, Order By (Status,Amount)
Adjustments (AR_ADJUSTMENTS)
- Action (Approved, Pending Approval, Rejected, Research Required),
- Adjustment Number, Invoice Number, Type, Amount, Status, Activity Name,
- Customer, GL Date

Submit AutoAdjustment

Use this form to automatically adjust the remaining balances of all open invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and chargebacks that meet specific criteria you define. You can select debit items by remaining amount, remaining percent, due date, transaction type, customer name, or customer number. Additionally, you can specify your adjustment type, activity, GL date, and reason for each AutoAdjustment submission. If the adjustment amount is within your adjustment approval limits, Oracle Receivables automatically approves your adjustment. If the adjustment amount is outside your adjustment approval limits, Oracle Receivables creates pending adjustments with a status of Waiting Approval.

Enter Receipts

Use the Enter Receipts form to enter manual receipts and apply them to transactions in open accounting periods. You can also create chargebacks or adjustments against these transactions in this form.The Enter Receipts form also lets you apply on-account credits to your receipts. If you need to create a new on-account credit while in Enter Receipts, you can use the Zoom feature to go to the Enter Credit Memos form, create your on-account credit, and then return to the Enter Receipts form. You can apply on-account credits to specific debit items in the Reapply Credits form.Your system administrator sets profile options that affect this form. If the Allow Actions profile option is set to No, then you cannot navigate to the Actions zone to create adjustments or chargebacks. The AR: Cash - Default Amount Applied profile option governs the default application amount when you apply your receipts in the receipt Applications zone. Valid choices for this profile option are Remaining Amount of the Invoice and Unapplied Amount of the Receipt. You can override this profile option at the user level in the Update Personal Profile Options form.
Receipt Batch (AR_BATCHES)
- Source, Name, Deposite Date, Currency, Batch Date, GL Date,
- Receipt Class (Manual Receipt, Wire), Payment Method,
- Remittance Bank Account, Status, Comment, Control Count/Amounts
- Receipt Number (Check #,Credit Card #), Receipt Date, GL Date, Currency,
- Amount, Method, Bank Account, Deposit Date, Apply Date, Invoice Number

Mass Receipt Application
Specific Receipt Applications (AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS)
- Customer Number, Invoice Number, Amount, Balance Due
- Adjustments and Chargebacks


Use the QuickCash form to quickly enter receipts into Oracle Receivables. You can apply your receipts to one or many transactions, place receipts on-account, and enter receipts as either Unidentified or Unapplied. Oracle Receivables lets you process all your invoice-related receipts with this form. You can simply enter the information you have now, and reconcile any unapplied and unidentified amounts later using either the Enter Receipts form or the Enter Invoice Adjustments form. Since allQuickCash receipts and applications are stored in a temporary area, you can use the QuickCash form as an additional level of security until you submit them through Post Batch. For example, if you hire temporary help during peak periods, have them perform their work in this form. You can review their work prior to updating your customers' balances. Once you process your QuickCash receipt batches, use the Post QuickCash form to update your customer balances.
Receipt Batch (AR_BATCHES)
- Source, Name, Deposite Date, Currency, Batch Date, GL Date,
- Receipt Class (Manual Receipt, Wire), Payment Method,
- Remittance Bank Account, Status, Comment, Control Count/Amounts
- Receipt Number (Check #,Credit Card #), Receipt Date, Currency, Invoice Number,
- Customer Name, Number, Billing Location, Payment Method, Remittance Bank

Enter Miscellaneous Transactions

Use this form to enter your non-invoice related transactions such as investment income, interest income, and refunds into Oracle Receivables. Oracle Receivables simplifies your data entry in thisform by utilizing the distribution sets and the activities that you defined during your set up process for miscellaneous transactions. Use the Miscellaneous Transactions report to review all of these transactions.
Receipt Batch (AR_BATCHES)
- Source, Name, Deposite Date, Currency, Batch Date, GL Date,
- Receipt Class (Manual Receipt, Wire), Payment Method,
- Remittance Bank Account, Status, Comment, Control Count/Amounts
- Activity (Interest Income, Invest Income, Misc Cash, Misc Refund, Stock Option),
- Distribution Set, Receipt Number, Receipt Date, GL Date, Currency, Amount,
- Tax Code, Payment Method, Remittance Bank, Deposit Date,
- Reference Type (Receipt,Payment,Remittance), Reference Number
Accounting Distribution (AR_MISC_CASH_DISTRIBUTIONS)
- Percent, Amount, Accounting Code, Comments, Posted

Reverse Receipts

Use this form to reverse your receipts. You can use this form to reverse both standard invoice-related receipts and non-invoice related receipts entered in the Enter Miscellaneous Transactions form.
To reverse a receipt you can either create a standard reversal or debit memo reversal. When you choose to create a standard reversal, Oracle Receivables automatically creates reversal journal entries for your general ledger, and reopens all of the debit and credit items that you closed with the original receipt. When you choose to create a debit memo reversal for your receipt, Oracle Receivables does not update any of the receipt activity associated with this original receipt. Your new debit memo reversal is actually a new receivable. If you choose to create a standard reversal for a receipt you applied in the Enter Receipts form, Oracle Receivables automatically reverses any adjustments or chargebacks that you created in the Enter Receipts form as long as you have not posted.
Receipt Reversal (Query) (AR_CASH_RECEIPTS)
- Receipt- Receipt Number, Customer, Batch, Bank, Payment Method
- Reversal - Reversal Date, GL Date, Debit Memo,
Category (Unsufficient Funds,Reverse Payment,Stop Payment), Reason

Reapply Receipts

Use this form to apply unidentified, unapplied, or on-account receipts to invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, or on-account credits. You can reapply receipts to both automatic and manually entered receipts. You can also reapply receipts that you previously applied in error, before or after posting these items to your general ledger. You can use the Zoom feature to navigate to the View Transaction History form and review additional details about your receipt, debit item, or credit item.
Receipt (Query) (AR_CASH_RECEIPTS)
- Receipt Number, Method, Date, Amount, Customer, Batch, Category
- Action (Delete, Reapply), Invoice Number, Type, Inv Amount, Balance Due
Reapply Applications
- Customer Number, Invoice Number, Amount, GL Date, Apply Date

Maintain Lockbox Transmission Data

Use this form to review and edit your lockbox transmission information that you have imported into Oracle Receivables from your bank files. Oracle Receivables lets you review, delete, edit,and maintain your lockbox transmission data here before you proceed to the lockbox validation step. Oracle Receivables displays the lockbox and batch records first, followed by the receipts and overflow records for each transmission. Oracle Receivables also lets you edit your lockbox data here when it fails the validation step. Once the lockbox program has successfully validated your transmission data, you can review and edit it in the QuickCash form. If you are updating data, be sure to update only those fields that have data which corresponds to the transmission format that you used when you submitted the import process. You can use AutoCash Rules with Lockbox to automatically apply receipts to open debit items if you do not specify debit item information in your lockbox transmission format.
Transmission Records (AR_PAYMENTS_INTERFACE)
- Name, Creation Date, Lock Box Number, Batch Name, Item Number, Receipt Number,
- Overflow Sequence, Record Identifier, Status, Comments
- Control Info - Bank Origination Number, Destination Account, Deposit Date, GL Date,
Deposit Time, Currency, Transmission Record Count, Transmission Amount,
Lockbox Batch Count, Lockbox Amount, Lockbox Receipt Count,
Batch Receipt Count, Batch Amount,
- Receipt Info - Overflow Indicator, Receipt Date, Receipt Number, Payment Method,
Remittance Amount, Customer Number, Billing Location, Transmit Routing,Account,
- Receipt Applications - Applied Amount, Invoice Number, Status,
- Receipt Attributes - Attribute (1 - 15)

Reconcile Receipts

Use this form to reconcile your bank account and create new batches of cleared receipts for receipts with a receipt class which requires clearance. You perform this step to mark receipts as cleared. When you clear a receipts Oracle Receivables credits your cash account and debits your remittance or factoring account.Oracle Receivables allows you to query up existing batches of cleared receipts, create new batches of cleared receipts, and add cleared receipts to existing batches, in this form. Oracle Receivables only allows you to query up receipts for reconciliation which you have remitted to the bank accounts that you specify in this form, if these receipts have a receipt class which requires remittance.

- Batch Name, Batch Date, Bank Name, Branch, Account, Currency, GL Date,
- Receipt Selection Criteria - Remittance Dates Range, Receipt Number Range
- Action (Clear, Reverse), Receipt Number, Receipt Amount, Date Cleared,
- Amount Cleared, GL Date, Status, Remit Date, Maturity Date

Create Automatic Remittances

Use this form to mark receipts that you want to include in a remittance batch. You can create unapproved, approved, or approved and formatted remittance batches. If the AR: Automatic Remittance Creation profile is set to Format, then you can create, approve and format the remittance batch in one step. If this profile option is set to Approve, then Oracle Receivables lets you create and approveyour remittance batches in this form. If it is set to Create, then you can only create remittance batches here, and need a user for whom the option is set to Format to approve and format them in the Approve Automatic Remittances form. When you save your work, Oracle Receivables initiates a single concurrent process which produces a report giving you details of the remittance batches which have been created. If you choose to format your batch then Oracle Receivables initiates an additional process which creates the formatted batch information. Oracle Receivables will only include receipts with Payment Methods for which the receipt class requires remittance in the remittance batches that it creates.
Creation Criteria (AR_BATCHES)
- Batch Name, Batch Date, Remittance Method, Payment Method, GL Date, Currency,
- Remittance Bank, Branch, Account, Action (Create,Approve, Format)
- Receipt Selection Criteria - Receipt Dates Range, Receipt Number Range,
Customer Number Range, Maturity Date Range, Document Number Range

Approve Automatic Remittances

Use this form to review your remittance batches for approval and formatting.The actions that you can take depend upon the value that your system administrator has set for the profile option AR: Automatic Remittance Creation. Oracle Receivables will only create remittance batches from receipts with a payment method whose receipt class requires remittance. After you have submitted a remittance batch for approval or formatting you can still review it in this form, but you cannot view receipt level information. If you update a receipt's remittance bank account, Oracle Receivables excludes the receipt from this batch unless you are remitting to the clearing institution for this new remittance bank.When you save your remittance action, Oracle Receivables displays the concurrent request id of the concurrent process you have submitted to approve the batch of remittances that you specify. This concurrent process produces a report giving you details of the batches which have been approved. If you choose to format your batch then Oracle Receivables initiates an additional process which creates the formatted batch information.

Format Automatic Remittances

Create Automatic Receipts
Use this form to create unapproved, approved, or approved and formatted automatic receipts. Whether you can create approved or formatted automatic receipts depends on the value that your system
administrator has set for the AR: Automatic Receipt Creation Authority profile option. When you save your record, Oracle Receivables initiates a single concurrent process which produces a report giving you details of the automatic receipt batches which have been created. If you choose to format your batch then Oracle Receivables initiates an additional process which creates the formatted batch information. If confirmation is not required for the receipt class that you assigned to the payment method you entered for the creation of this automatic receipt batch, then Oracle Receivables automatically confirms all of the receipts within this batch when you approve the batch. If your receipt class requires confirmation then Oracle Receivables requires that you confirm the automatic receipts in this batch in the Confirm Automatic Receipts form, once they are approved. If you have defined customer relationships and you want to create automatic receipts for the parent customer, then you must assign this parent customer's bank accounts to the invoices paid with the automatic receipt.
Creation Criteria (AR_BATCHES)
- Batch Name, Batch Date, Payment Method, GL Date, Currency,
- Action (Create,Approve, Format)
- Invoice Selection Criteria - Invoice Dates Range, Invoice Number Range,
Customer Number Range, Due Date Range, Document Number Range

Approve Automatic Receipts

Use the Approve Automatic Receipts form to approve,delete and format your automatic receipts. The actions that you can take in this form depend upon the value that your system administrator hasset for the AR: Automatic Receipt Creation Authority profile option.Query up the automatic receipts that you want to approve, delete or format, and then select the action you want to take. Oracle Receivables allows you to update the rate date, type and rate of your foreign currency automatic receipt batches if the status of the batch is Completed Creation.When you save your record, Oracle Receivables initiates a single concurrent process which produces a report giving you details of the automatic receipt batches which have been approved. If you choose to format your batch then Oracle Receivables initiates an additional process which creates the formatted batch information. If confirmation is not required for the receipt class that you assigned to the payment method you entered for the creation of thisautomatic receipt batch, then Oracle Receivables automatically confirms all of the receipts within this batch when you approve the batch. If your receipt class requires confirmation then Oracle Receivables requires that you confirm the automatic receipts in this batch in the Confirm Automatic Receipts form, once they are

Format Automatic Receipts

Confirm Automatic Receipts

Use this form to enter customer confirmations of approved automatic receipts and their applications. Oracle Receivables updates your customer balances when you confirm a receipt. After you query up the automatic receipt you want to confirm, you can review and update the invoices you have selected to apply to the receipt as well as remittance bank and customer bank information. Oracle Receivables allows you to update the invoice application amounts and bank information.Oracle Receivables only requires that you use this form to confirm receipts with payment methods that belong to receipt classes which require confirmation. You can query receipts for receipt classes which do not require confirmation, if they are not yet included in a remittance batch, but you can only update their remittance and factoring information. Oracle Receivables does not allow you to delete a batch of automatic receipts that has a status of Completed Approval if you have confirmed any of the receipts within this batch.
Receipt (Query) (AR_CASH_RECEIPTS)
- Receipt Number, Document Number, Receipt Class, Payment Method,
- Receipt Date, Receipt Amount, Currency, Customer Name, Customer Number,
- Location
- Confirmation Info - Confirm, GL Date, Confirmation Date, Factor,
Confirmed Amount,Customer Reference
- Remittance Detail (Old/New) - Maturity Date, Remittance Bank Name,
Remittance Bank Branch, Remittance Bank Account, Customer Bank Name,
Customer Bank Branch, Customer Bank Account
Invoice Details
- Balance Due, Approved Amount, Invoice Number, Invoice Type, Invoice Date

Post QuickCash

Use this form to recognize and update your customer's accounts with receipts entered in the QuickCash forms or through the Process Lockbox program. Oracle Receivables displays only those batches which have not been posted to update customer accounts. For batches entered through Lockbox, you can skip this step by choosing to post the batch to customer accounts in the Run LockBox Interface
Available Batches (AR_BATCHES)
- Options (Select), Source, Name, Batch Date, Status, Request

Record A Call

Use this form to record information about your customer calls.Oracle Receivables provides collectors with essential call details and makes it easy to record call information and review previous calls. Use this form to log call topics, outcomes, and actions. You can place amounts in dispute in the Call Actions zone. Oracle Receivables also lets you view a summary of your customer calls in the View Call History form. Use \ Other Zoom to quickly review other information in the View Invoice Image, View Transaction History, and View Call History forms while you talk to your customer. You can also review additional customer payment or open invoice information in the View Receipts by Customer and View Customer Account Detail forms. If you enter this form through the Choose Next Screen option from another form, Oracle Receivables defaults information into the Customer, Contact, and Call Topic zones.
- Name, Address, Contact Who Called
Call Topic
- Call Taken By, Invoice Details
Call Out Come
- Customer Response, Promise, Follow Up, Call Out Come, Memo Pad
Call Action
- Action, Amount, Memo Pad, Notify

View Transaction History

Use this form to review the history of a transaction. The complete history includes receipts, credit memos, on-account credits, adjustments, and debit items. With Choose Next Screen, you can move easily between inquiry screens without using the main menu. Oracle Receivables completes your new form with information about the transaction or receipt you are reviewing when you use Choose Next Screen to review an open debit item, on-account credit, credit memo information, an image of your debit item, on-account credit,or credit memo, and customer calls.

View Invoice Image

Use this form to review detailed information about a transaction. With Choose Next Screen, you can move easily between inquiry screens without using the main menu. When you choose next screen, Oracle Receivables fills in your new form with information regarding the transaction you are reviewing. You can use this to navigate to forms where you can review application and adjustment activity, call history, or quickly find other transactions for the customer.

View Batch Control Amounts

Use this form to quickly determine the status of your receipt batches. Oracle Receivables displays receipt batch information so you can see where the control counts and amounts are not equal to your actual counts and amounts. Use the View Batch Detail and the View Batch Unapplied Amounts forms to further review your receipt batches and the receipts they contain.

View Batch Unapplied Amounts

Use this form to review unidentified and unapplied receipt counts and amounts by receipt batch. You can review receipt batches based on the search criteria you specify. Oracle Receivables lets you quickly access complete information and determine where you need to continue your work. You create receipt batches when you use the QuickCash, Enter Receipts, and Enter Miscellaneous Transactions forms. Use the Review Receipts by Batch form to access more detailed information about any of your receipt batches.

View Batch Detail

Use this form to review all payments within a receipt batch. You query the receipt batch you want to review in the Batch zone, thenyou can use additional criteria to query receipts within that batch.

View Receipts by Customer

Use this form to review your customers' receipts. You can review receipts for a particular customer or all receipts based on the search criteria you enter in the Receipts zone. No matter how you select receipts to review, Oracle Receivables always displays customer information as you navigate to each receipt. Use the ViewCustomer Account Detail form to review the status of a particular customer's account.

View Transmission History

Use this form to review information about lockbox transmissions you submit through the Submit Lockbox Processing form. You can review information about the transmission record set in the form: use the Maintain Lockbox Transmission Data form to review individual records within the transmission.

View Customer Account Detail

Use this form to review the status of a customer's account. Oracle Receivables displays details of all receipts and transactions for your customer. Oracle Receivables also lets you see the current customer account balances in your functional currency using the most recent exchange rate. Oracle Receivables displays different information depending on the option you select in the customer zone.

View Customer Account Summary

Use this form to review your customer accounts. Oracle Receivables lets you choose your customers for review by using a wide range of search criteria. Oracle Receivables displays all customers and customer account balance information that match your search criteria. Use Choose Next Screen to review additional details for each customer account including account summary information by accounting period, credit statistics, aging information, credit profile, and account details. Oracle Receivables displays all amounts in your functional currency. Use \ Other Zoom to navigate directly to the Customer Account Detail form where you can view thedetails of all items for each customer.

View Call History

Use this form to review previous customer call information. Oracle Receivables gives you detailed call history information to make collections more efficient.You can see which customers are not
meeting their commitments on outstanding receivables, and then decide what actions you need to take. Oracle Receivables lets you review the calls here that you entered in the Record A Call form.

Customer Inquiry

Use this form when you need to identify a customer and you only have a minimal amount of information. Oracle Receivables can identify customers from a partial customer name, a payment number, a contact name, an address, a city, a state, a postal code, a transaction number, or a telephone number.

Run Concurrent Programs

- Run Auto Invoice
- Run Customer Interface
- Run Tax Rate Interface
- Run Revenue Recognition

Submit Lockbox Processing

Use this form to submit your lockbox transmission processes and transfer payment information from your bank files into Oracle Receivables. Oracle Receivables lets you submit each step of the lockbox transmission process as a separate request or submit all of the transmission processes as one request, depending upon your specific business needs. For example, you may choose to import data into Oracle Receivables and examine it before validating it within Oracle Receivables. Upon examination and approval, you can submit the validation step and Oracle Receivables automatically validates your data and creates QuickCash payment batches. Oracle Receivables lets you view your payment batches in the QuickCash form before updating your customers' accounts using Post QuickCash. Oracle Receivables gives you the flexibility to either examine and control each step, or submit all of the steps at once. The 'Process Lockboxes' program transfers payments received by your bank to Oracle Receivables. Since this program is entering Payments into Oracle Receivables, the program must be smart enough to enter the primary billing location as well. If your bank is incapable of transmitting the billing location of your payments, then the program should choose the primary billing location of the identified customer. Oracle Receivables will give you the option to determine the fate of your payments when there is no billing location available. This option will be enabled in the 'Define Lockboxes' form. Your options will be to reject the payments when the billing location does not exist or to ignore the missing billing location. If you desire the first option, the Oracle Receivables will issue an error message indicating that the billing location was not available. The 'Process Lockboxes' program must evaluate the status of the 'Bill-To Site'parameter in the 'QuickCash' form to determine if the 'Billing Location' is required.

Open/Close Accounting Periods

Use this form to open and close accounting periods in your receivables calendar. You define your receivables calendar in the Define Calendar form. Oracle Receivables references the statuses of these accounting periods to control transaction entry and journal entry creation to your general ledger. You may not enter an activity in a closed accounting period.

Open Next Accounting Period
- Latest Open Period, Open Next Period
Accounting Periods
- Period Status (Open,Close,Future), Period Number, Fiscal Year,
- Period Name,Begin Date, End Date

Run GL Interface

Use this form to create journal entries to post in detail or summary. Oracle Receivables first transfers transaction data into the GL_INTERFACE table and generates the Posting Execution Report. Use the Posting Execution Report to see a summary of transactions that are imported into the GL_INTERFACE table. Transactions that failed validation are printed in the Unposted Items Report produced from this run. From here, if you have Oracle General Ledger installed you can use Journal Import to create journal entries to post to your general ledger. If you do not have Oracle General Ledger installed you can use your feeder system to import data from the GL_INTERFACE table.
Transfer Crireria
- Summary or Detail, GL Posted Date, GL Start Date, GL End Date,
- Run Journal Import

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